Customer Engagement Group

Our regulator, Ofgem, requires all distribution network operators to set up a Customer Engagement Group (CEG) to scrutinise our next Business Plan for the regulatory period 2023-2028 and the processes by which it is built.

The group is independent and designed to offer robust challenge to company proposals. It will help Ofgem and our stakeholders to understand the extent to which our plans reflect and will meet the needs of customers today and in the future.

CEG Final report on NGED- Our Business Plan 2023-2028 Final Submission Dec 2021 - submitted to Ofgem and the Challenge Group, published 16th January 2022

Read our Report to Ofgem

Click here to read NGED's 2023-28 RIIO-ED2 Business Plan.

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"The CEG will fulfil a vital role to ensure customers are placed at the heart of NGED's plans for the future and that actions and decisions made by the company are truly positioned to deliver the long-term interests of consumers."

- Duncan McCombie, Customer Engagement Group Chair